This paper reports the results of the study on the differentiation of 58 cases of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (emergency non-lymphocytic leukemia) cells by Ginseng stem and leaf saponins (GSL). There were M_19 myeloblastic leukemia patients, M_215 patients, M-312 promyelocytic leukemias, M_414 myelomonocytic leukemias, and M_58 myelomonocytic leukemias. The results showed that: GSL has different degrees of induction and differentiation effects on all types of primary cultured acute non-lymphocytic leukemia cells, and has a stronger effect on the differentiation and induction of acute granulocyte and monocyte leukemia cells. With the exception of 8 exceptions, 50 induced cells all showed varying degrees of morphological, functional, and cytochemical changes. This study suggests that GSL may be an effective inducer of differentiation in the treatment of acute leukemia.