麦罗维水利枢纽首批2台机组的成功并网发电,标志着苏丹能源供应基础设施新纪元的开始。这座装机容量1 270 MW的水电站是新的500 kV输电网的中心发电设施。大型机组与骨干电网的初期充电要求同时投入运行,这就需要战略性的时间规划、复杂技术的整合以及组织机构之间的通力合作。
The successful grid-connected generation of the first two units at the Merowei Water Control Project marks the beginning of a new era in Sudan’s energy supply infrastructure. The 1,270MW hydropower station is the central generating facility for the new 500 kV transmission network. The initial charging requirements of large power grids and backbone power grids are put into operation at the same time. This requires strategic time planning, integration of complex technologies and full cooperation among the organizations.