日前,随着山东省烟台市中级法院审判长的庄严宣判,谷勤生走完了他的罪恶一生。这个多次被群众喻为“英雄”,今年才31岁的大学生,在不到一年的时间里,因大肆倒卖枪支635支、枪弹18万发,被判死刑。 谷勤生,长得文质彬彬,让人无法如何也无法把他和死刑犯连在一起。的确,谷勤生有一个“光荣”的过去。1994年夏天,他奋不顾身抢救一名溺水医生,被人们称为“英雄”;一年后他又在公共汽车上面对4名手
Recently, with the solemn sentencing of the presiding judge of Yantai Intermediate People’s Court of Shandong Province, Gu Qinchuang finished his evil life. This was repeatedly called the “hero” by the masses. Only 31-year-old college student was sentenced to death in less than a year for wanting to sell 635 firearms and 180,000 rounds of guns. Gu Qinsheng, looks very gentle, so that people can not how he can not be linked with the death row prisoners. Indeed, Gu Qinsheng has a “glorious” in the past. In the summer of 1994, he worked hard to rescue a drowning doctor and was called a “hero.” A year later he faced four more hands in a bus