1, vegetable processing water Vegetables in the processing process requires a lot of water to wash and process ingredients, processing 1 ton of canned vegetables more than 4 tons of water consumption, processing 1 ton of pickles or candied water consumption is also more than 2 tons. Water and water quality directly affect the yield and quality of the finished product. Many vegetable processing factories have hampered the development of production because of this long-standing problem. Therefore, vegetable processing plant site selection and construction scale of the first condition is water and water quality. Understand the water quality requirements of vegetable processing, master water treatment technologies to make full and rational use of water resources and seek ways to save water. 2, the relationship between water quality and vegetable processing Some water containing chloride salts, and some contain sulfate, carbonate or nitrate and nitrite, and some contain other minerals or heavy metal salts, but also contain ammonia Classes, organisms and various types of microorganisms, contaminated water contains a variety of harmful substances