Patient, male, 42 years old, right eye Meng, flash for two months, admitted on 11-03-21. Past physical health, binocular myopia, no eye trauma and acute and chronic eye history. No abnormalities in the whole body examination. Eye examination: visual acuity: right eye 1 meter light sense, left eye 0.2 (correction: 10X-3.50D). Intraocular pressure: right eye 1.76kPa, left eye 2.51kPa. The right cornea KP (+), aqueous humor (+), visible dust-like floating objects in the vitreous, retinal funnel-like retinal detachment, partially obscured, partially obstruct the optic disc. Left anterior normal, lenticular fundus was lenticular. Eyes mydriasis bandaged, oral administration of Chinese medicine five drinks three days later, the right eye retinal uplift showed a hump sample (± 10D), the equator seen a circular hole about 1 / 8PD size; a bit of a crescent-shaped hole About 1 / 6PD size, no new blood vessels. April 2 local anesthesia right eye socket condensation, scleral filling and draining surgery. On the 3rd postoperative examination: part of the retinal flat fundus, the lower equator and peripheral retinal detachment, visual acuity 0.02. After 12 days of retinal bulge,