一、强化民主管理意识,处好“三个关系” 企业工会要把强化民主管理意识作为强化民主管理的首要任务来抓。当前,强化民主管理意识,要处理好“三个关系”:一是正确处理工会与企业行政的关系。工会支持企业行政的工作是应尽的职责,企业行政则通过工会实行民主管理,实现科学决策。二是正确处理工会与职工群众的关系。工会是党领导职工自愿结合的工人阶级的组织,这就决定了工会必须代表和维护职工的
I. Strengthening Consciousness of Democratic Management and Handling “Three Relations” Trade unions of enterprises should take the enhancement of the awareness of democratic management as the most important task of strengthening democratic management. At present, we must strengthen the awareness of democratic management and handle the “three relations.” First, we must correctly handle the relationship between trade unions and the administration of enterprises. The work of trade unions in supporting their business administration is their due responsibility while the business administration conducts democratic management through trade unions to achieve scientific decision-making. The second is to correctly handle the relations between trade unions and the workers and the masses. Trade unions are organizations of the working class voluntarily united by the party's leading workers, which determines the need for unions to represent and maintain their workers