1988年1月至1997年1月,我院采用高频电灼加免疫增强剂—干扰素等综合治疗尖锐湿疣180例,取得了满意的效果,现报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:本组180例,男性124例,女性56例;年龄在7~60岁,平均33岁。病程1周至2年。发病部位:男性患者损害位于阴茎冠状沟、包皮系带旁、尿道外口及肛周等处,以冠状沟及包皮系带旁居多;女性患者损害位于大、小阴唇内侧、阴道口、阴道壁、
From January 1988 to January 1997, 180 cases of condyloma acuminatum were treated with high frequency electrocautery and immune enhancing agent - interferon in our hospital. The results are satisfactory and are reported below. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information: The group of 180 cases, 124 males and 56 females; aged 7 to 60 years, mean 33 years. Course of 1 week to 2 years. The incidence of parts: male patients with lesions located in the penile coronary sulcus, foreskin next to the band, the urethral orifice and perianal and other places, to the coronary sulcus and the foreskin more side by side; female patients in large and small labia medial, vaginal orifice, vaginal wall ,