上海石化物资交易中心是在中国石化总公司的部署下,于 1992年 10月 9日在浦东开业的。交易中心自开业以来,坚持以信息为导向,以石化产品为重点,积极组织物资流通。截至 2000年 7月底,中心共成交各类物资 774.45万吨,成交额达 240.26亿元,年平均成交额超过 30亿元,交易
Shanghai Petrochemical Materials Trading Center was opened in Pudong on October 9, 1992 under the deployment of China National Petrochemical Corporation. Since the opening of the trading center, the trading center has been insisting on information-oriented and focused on petrochemical products and actively organized the circulation of materials. As of the end of July 2000, the center has sold a total of 7,745,000 tons of various materials, with a transaction volume of RMB 24.036 billion, and an average annual turnover of more than RMB 3 billion.