本文运用定量与定性相结合的研究方法对我国2002-2015年刊登的英语学习动机与自我认同变化相关文献进行统计分析,主要从总体发展状况、研究对象、研究内容和研究方法 4个层面评述了近十几年我国不同群体英语学习动机与自我认同变化研究的概况。统计分析结果表明:(1)研究的论文数量集中在中间的几年;(2)研究方法采用实证研究;(3)研究对象以大学本科生为主。
This paper uses the research method of combining quantitative and qualitative analysis to analyze the related literature of English learning motivation and self-identification published in our country from 2002 to 2015. It mainly reviews the four aspects of the overall development status, research object, research content and research methods A Survey of Study on Motivation and Self - identity of English Learning among Different Groups in Recent Ten Years. The results of statistical analysis show that: (1) the number of papers studied is concentrated in the middle of a few years; (2) the research methods adopt empirical research; (3) the subjects are university undergraduates.