一、生命的起源自己是从哪里来的?这要看从哪个角度来说啦!从“老根”上来说是从祖宗那里来的,祖宗是从哪里来的?是从祖宗的祖宗……那里来的。如此追根溯源,上溯了35亿年,在原始海水里就可以找到自己最老的祖宗啦! 最老的祖宗是什么? 是原始海水里的原始生命。恩格斯在《反杜林论》里指出:“生命的起源必然是通过化学的途径实现的。”原苏联的奥巴林实践了这个观点。他通过了一系列模拟原始地球的实验,于1922年提出了生命起源的化学过程的假说,当时并没
First, the origin of life where he came from? This depends on what point of view it! From the “Lao Gen” is from the ancestors, where did the ancestors come from? Is from the ancestors of the ancestors ... ... Where it came from. This has been traced back to the source for 3.5 billion years. The oldest ancestors can be found in the pristine sea! What is the oldest ancestor? It is the primitive life in the pristine sea. Engels pointed out in “Anti-Duhring”: “The origin of life must be achieved through chemical means.” Obelin of the former Soviet Union practiced this idea. He passed a series of experiments that simulated the original Earth, and in 1922 he proposed the hypothesis of the chemical process of life origin.