
来源 :中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linuxlovermm5
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When selective pressures differ between males and females,the genes experiencing these conflicting evolutionary forces are said to be sexually antagonistic. Although the phenotypic effect of these genes has been documented in both wild and laboratory populations,their identity,number,and location remains unknown. Here,by combining data on sex-specific fitness and genome-wide transcript abundance in a quantitative genetic framework,we identified a group of candidate genes experiencing sexually antagonistic selection in the adult,which correspond to 8% of Drosophila melanogaster genes. As predicted,the X chromosome is enriched for these genes,but surprisingly they represent only a small proportion of the total number of sex-biased transcripts,indicating that the latter is a poor predictor of sexual antagonism. Furthermore,the majority of genes whose expression profiles showed a significant relationship with either male or female adult fitness are also sexually antagonistic. These results provide a first insight into the genetic basis of intralocus sexual conflict and indicate that genetic variation for fitness is dominated and maintained by sexual antagonism,potentially neutralizing any indirect genetic benefits of sexual selection. When the selective of differ between males and females, the genes experiencing these conflicting evolutionary forces are said to to be sexually antagonistic. The genes experiencing these conflicting evolutionary forces are said to to be sexually antagonistic. Though the phenotypic effect of these genes has been documented in both wild and laboratory populations, their identity, number, and location remains unknown. Here, by combining data on sex-specific fitness and genome-wide transcript abundance in a quantitative genetic framework, we identified a group of candidate genes experiencing sexually antagonistic selection in the adult, which corresponds to 8% of Drosophila melanogaster genes. As predicted, the X chromosome is enriched for these genes, but surprisingly they represent only a small proportion of the total number of sex-biased transcripts, indicating that the latter is a poor predictor of sexual antagonism. Furthermore, the majority of genes whose expression profiles showed a significant relationship with either male or female adult fitness are also sexually antagonistic. These results provide a first insight into the genetic basis of intralocus sexual conflict and indicate that genetic variation for fitness is dominated and maintained by sexual antagonism, potentially neutralizing any indirect genetic benefits of sexual selection.
AIM: To investigate the bactericidal effects of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.(CAL) against Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) both in vitro and in vivo.METHODS: For in
<正> 吕叔湘先生与世长辞了。近一个时期以来,他一直因病住院治疗。不久前我去协和医院探望,见到他以94岁的高龄在病床上还手不释卷,认真读书,深为感动,同时也感到有些宽解,以为他的病情好转,或许能战胜病魔早日恢复健康。不料4月9日噩耗传来,吕先生竟永远离开了我们。中国社会科学院的同人无不深感悲痛,为我国学术界失去这位功勋卓著、德高望重的老前辈而哀悼。吕叔湘先生是我国语言学界的一代宗师,70多年来一直孜孜不倦地在语言教学和语言研究的领域内开拓耕耘。他在学术上的造诣和成就蜚声海内外,为世人所公认,
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