欧阳六妹读者: 近十多年来,广东制鞋行业发展迅速。东莞、中山、惠州、佛山、广州、肇庆等市都建有相当规模的鞋厂,一些鞋厂已经拥有数万员工之多。迅速发展的制鞋业确实也带来了环境污染和职业病危害问题。近年,广东的鞋厂每年都发生职业中毒事故,罪魁祸首是粘贴鞋面、鞋底的黏胶剂,确切来说,是来自稀
Ouyang Six Sisters: In the past decade or so, the footwear industry in Guangdong has developed rapidly. Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Foshan, Guangzhou, Zhaoqing and other cities have built shoe factories of considerable size. Some shoe factories already have tens of thousands of employees. The rapid development of the footwear industry has indeed brought about environmental pollution and occupational hazards. In recent years, occupational poisoning accidents have occurred in Guangdong’s shoe factories every year. The main culprit is the paste of shoe uppers and shoe soles.