Liu Ylang,China's First Woman Astronaut刘洋一一中国第一位女航天员

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  出生日期(Date of Birth): 1978年10月6日(Oct. 6th, 1978)
  出生地(Place of Birth):河南省林州市(Linzhou, Henan Province)
  民族(Ethnic Group):汉族(Han)
  毕业院校(Graduation):空军长春飞行学院(The Air Force Flight College of Changchun)
  Liu Yang was born on Oct. 6th, 1978. Her father was an assistant engineer (助理工程师) and her mother was an ordinary worker. They both have retired (退休) now. Liu Yang looks like her father. She is not very beautiful, but she is smart and polite.
  Liu Yang was a good student. She did very well in all her subjects, especially in writing. Besides, her performance in playing sports was very good. She was good at playing volleyball and middle and long distance races. Her endurance (耐力) was very good.
  In 1997, Liu Yang was dedicated (致力于) to preparing for the college entrance examination. One day, an airline recruited (招募) pilots in her school. This unknown and mysterious (神秘的) career attracted Liu Yang’s attention. She wanted to apply for this job, but the company only recruited men pilots this time.
  But not very soon, the air force would choose women pilots in Henan. Liu Yang’s head teacher asked her to have a try. At that time, there were eight girls who wanted to apply for the job. After one elimination (淘汰) after another, Liu Yang became the final winner.
  After the college entrance examination, Liu Yang entered the Air Force Flight College of Changchun and studied there. Among the students who entered the college at the same time, her physical (身体的) condition was not very good. She could only improve it by training hard. During the first camp training, her feet blistered (起水泡), but she finished the 150 miles train by walking one step after another. The blisters on her right foot had become a big one after going back. When she went to the hospital, the doctor had no idea but cut off the whole skin of her right foot.
  高考后,刘洋顺利进入空军长春第一飞行学院学习。在刚入校的同批学员中,刘洋的身体素质并不拔尖,她只能靠刻苦训练来提高。第一次野营训练,虽然她的脚起了水泡,但她还是一步步挪着走完了150多里。训练回来,她右脚的水泡全部连成一片。到医院时,医生没有办法,只有把她右脚脚底的整块皮全部切除。   During the four years’ study in the college, Liu Yang never let her parents come to see her. Before her first sky-diving, she called home. Her mother said casually (若无其事地), “Isn’t it the sky-diving? No problem. It is very safe. And there are teachers, so we don’t worry at all.” Liu Yang felt very sad. So after finishing the sky-diving, she didn’t call home at once. Until she called home in the evening, she knew that her parents didn’t go to work and waited at home for a whole day.
  In 2009, the selection (选拔) of the second group of astronauts (航天员) began. At last, Liu Yang and another woman pilot became the first group of women astronauts. In March, 2012, Liu Yang was chosen to be one of the crew (成员) of Shenzhou IX Spaceship. On June 16th, 2012, Shenzhou IX Spaceship was launched. And on June 29th, 2012, three astronauts finished their task and returned to the earth.
摘 要:考试大纲是指导高考的纲领性文件,教师进行高考复习应在研透考试大纲的基础上,抓住考点环节全面推进. 高考数学复习应重点突出“紧扣考纲,缕清考点;主次分明,突出重点;习题精练,强化能力;反思总结,杂糅合并;关注热点,贴合实践”五大方面.  关键词:数学复习;考试大纲;考点环节  从近几年江苏数学高考的试卷来看,考试内容基本上覆盖了高考全部考点的80%左右,考点也遵循了高考《数学考试大纲》的各项
[摘 要] 数学是高中阶段的主要学科之一,教师除了要给学生传授数学知识,还要教导学生解决数学难题的方法与能力,才能帮助学生提高数学综合素质. 本文结合笔者多年的高中数学教学实践经验,探讨高中生数学综合素质的培养策略,以供参考.  [关键词] 高中生;数学;综合素质;评价  数学综合素质评价简述  长期以来,教育界人士对数学综合素质的理解各抒己见. 笔者认为,数学综合素质,要求学生通过后天的培养形成
[摘 要] 发展学生核心素养已经成为时代关注的焦点、学术界讨论的热点、教育界实践的难点.数学学科核心素养的落实需要教师更新教育理念,改变教育方法,课堂教学中要充分发挥学生的主体地位,积极组织课堂活动,从知识讲授走向知识的生成.  [关键词] 数学;核心素养;知识生成  [?] 引言  近期扬州市教科院组织了“基于核心素养的数学教学实践研究”研讨活动,承办学校开设了《平面的基本性质》研讨课,探讨如
[摘 要] 在高考数学一轮复习中,习题课对学生进一步巩固、理解、运用知识十分重要,习题课的设计将直接影响复习效果. 因此筆者以函数最值问题为例,说明在习题课的设计中,错因探究、借题发挥、以点带面、归纳总结的重要性,并探究了习题课的设计范式.  [关键词] 高中数学;一轮复习;习题课;设计模式
[摘 要] 张奠宙教授指出,“数学活动的必要性在于引导学生将注意力集中到动态的思维过程上”. 数学教学的重要使命是使学生学会“数学地思维”. 本文主要结合笔者的教学案例,谈谈学生解题不仅要“探其花”,也要“拔其根”,这样知识理解才会更完整,本质凸显才会更全面,获得的结果才具有真实感和清晰性.  [關键词] 解题教学;数学本质;思维培养
[摘 要] 数学教材是众多数学专家按照数学知识的逻辑顺序,以数学课程标准为依据编写出供学生进行数学学习的材料. 它应当是学生数学学习的第一依据,然而现在的数学课堂教学呈现出一种依靠学案、课件而脱离课本的现状. 然而通过一次次高考题的讲解,我们发现那些难题的解题思路通常都是扎根于课本的. 因此,数学教学应当回归数学课本.  [关键词] 数学教学;回归教材;教学反思  当下的数学教学经常出现这样一种现
[摘 要] 一切学习在本质上都是自我学习,教学要基于学生. 数学家加德纳说:“数学的真谛在于不断寻求越来越简单的方法证明定理和数学问题. ”教师通过恰当地设问和追问与学生对话,并通过对话暴露学生的思维过程,然后生成的东西才是学生真正所拥有的、长久的知识.  [关键词] 函数的奇偶性;教学设计  最近上了一堂赛课,课题是《函数的奇偶性》(教材:苏教版必修1第41至43页),下午4:00以后公布课题,
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[摘 要] 2020年江苏高考数学第13题的平面向量综合题存在争议,其解答过程具有一定的难度,给学生的解析突破造成了一定的困难. 文章深入剖析考题的问题条件,从不同视角探究问题的三種解题思路,并对其适度反思.  [关键词] 平面向量;共线;基底法;坐标法;思维
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