介绍了利用硅探测器的脉冲形状甄别进行粒子鉴别的原理。详细叙述了基于数字化方法的脉冲形状甄别的实现。采样频率和位数是数字化方法的两个重要参数。对于硅探测器信号,采用100 MS/s,12 bit的Digitizer可以满足脉冲形状甄别法对时间分辨的要求。同时对该方法粒子鉴别的特征和能量阈值做了简要的分析和对比。粒子背面入射硅探测器的所得的阈值低于正面入射的情况。例如对于氖周围的同位素,背面入射情况的阈值约为100 MeV,为正面入射情况下鉴别阈值的二分之一,相当与?E-E方法中?E探测器厚度约为60μm情况下的阈值。最后定性讨论了硅探测器的电阻率不均匀性和沟道效应对粒子鉴别性能的影响。
The principle of particle identification using pulse shape detection of silicon detectors is introduced. Described in detail based on the digital method of pulse shape discrimination implementation. The sampling frequency and number of bits are two important parameters of the digitization method. For silicon detector signals, the 12 bit Digitizer at 100 MS / s meets the time-resolved requirements of the pulse shape-discrimination method. At the same time, the method of particle identification features and energy threshold made a brief analysis and comparison. The resulting threshold for incident particle backside silicon detector is lower than for front incident. For example, for isotopes around neon, the threshold for back incidence is about 100 MeV, which is one-half of the discrimination threshold for front-incidence and corresponds to the threshold for a -E-E method with a thickness of about 60 μm. In the end, qualitatively, the influence of heterogeneity of resistivity of silicon detector and channeling effect on particle discrimination performance was discussed qualitatively.