发作性睡病为一少见的疾病,病因未明,我科收治一例由丘脑下部梗塞所引起病例,现报导如下: 患者,男,57岁,89年11月始出现白天不可抑制的睡眠,多次在看报、写字及与别人讲话时入睡。病初每2-3天发作一次,近期每天发作1-2次,每次睡眠时间在30分钟左右,可被大声叫醒或自己醒来,在走路及骑自行车时不会睡着。查体:神清,计算及记忆力尚可,颅神经检查未见异常,双侧掌颌反射
Narcolepsy is a rare disease, the etiology is not clear, our department admitted a case of cases caused by infarction of the hypothalamus, are reported as follows: The patient, male, 57 years old, 89 in November began to appear during the day uncontrollable sleep, many times Go to sleep while reading a newspaper, writing and speaking with others. Attack every 2-3 days early onset, the recent episodes of 1-2 times a day, each time about 30 minutes of sleep, can be awakened or woke up, not walking and riding a bike will not fall asleep. Examination: Shenqing, calculation and memory is acceptable, no abnormal cranial nerve examination, bilateral palmar reflex