通过对耐密玉米品种辽单565进行密度、施肥量及栽培方式等的研究,总结出辽宁西部地区在不同种植方式下,适宜的种植密度以及经济施肥量,清种(60 cm垄),适宜的种植密度为60 000株/hm2,合理施N肥(尿素)量为450 kg/hm2,大垄双行(大垄宽120 cm,双行间距40 cm)种植,适宜的种植密度为75 000株/hm2,最经济施N肥(尿素)量为375 kg/hm2,充分发挥耐密玉米品种的增产潜力,达到最高经济效益。
Based on the study on the density, fertilizing and cultivation methods of Liaodong 565 which is a tolerant maize variety, the suitable planting densities and economic fertilization amount, clearing seed (60 cm ridge) under different planting modes in western Liaoning were concluded. Planting density of 60 000 plants / hm2 and a reasonable amount of N fertilizer (urea) of 450 kg / hm2. Two rows of large ridges (width of 120 cm, double row spacing of 40 cm) were planted. The suitable planting density was 75 000 Strain / hm2, the most economical application of N fertilizer (urea) amount of 375 kg / hm2, give full play to the yield-resistant corn varieties to maximize potential to achieve the highest economic benefits.