Influence of Heating Rate and Calcining Temperature on Properties of 95 Polycrystalline Alumina Fibe

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The swung gel fibers were heated to 400 ℃ at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 ℃·min-1 of heating rate, respectively, and soaked for 1 h; then heated to 600 ℃ at 3 ℃·min-1 of heating rate and soaked for 1 h; at last calcined at 1 000, 1 100, 1 200, 1 300, and 1 400 ℃ for 1 h, respectively. The average single fiber tensile strengths of fibers after calcining at 600 ℃ or higher temperatures were determined and their surface morphology was observed. The results show that: (1) when the heating rate below 400 ℃ is 0.5-1 ℃·min-1, the average single fiber tensile strengths of 95 polycrystalline alumina fibers after calcining at 600 ℃ and 1 000-1 100 ℃ exceed 1 000 and 800 MPa, respectively, surface of the fibers after calcining at 1 000-1 100 ℃ is smooth, α-Al2O3 appears at 1 200 ℃, and a large amount of α-Al2O3 forms above 1 300 ℃; (2) when the heating rate exceeds 3 ℃·min-1, the fibers pulverize obviously. The swung gel fibers were heated to 400 ° C at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 ° C · min -1 of the heating rate, respectively, and soaked for 1 h; then heated to 600 ° C at 3 ° C · min -1 of the heating rate and soaked for 1 h; at last calcined at 1 000, 1 100, 1 200, 1 300, and 1 400 ° C for 1 h, respectively. The average single fiber tensile strengths of fibers after calcining at 600 ° C or higher temperatures were determined and their surface morphology was observed. The results show that: (1) when the heating rate below 400 ° C is 0.5-1 ° C.min-1, the average single fiber tensile strengths of 95 polycrystalline alumina fibers after calcining at 600 ° C and 1 000-1 100 ° C exceed 1 000 and 800 MPa, respectively, the surface of the fibers after calcining at 1000-1 100 ° C is smooth, α-Al2O3 appears at 1 200 ° C and a large amount of α -Al2O3 forms above 1 300 ℃; (2) when the heating rate exceeds 3 ℃ · min-1, the fibers pulverize obviously.
将一定质量的镁带和过量的稀硫酸在仪器A瓶中完全反应,产生的H2将B瓶中的液体压入液体量瓶中,根据液体的体积可以转换成H2的体积。  实验步骤:  ①装配好化学反应气体体积测定仪,检查气密性。  ②用砂纸擦去镁带表面的氧化物,然后称取0.100~0.110 g的镁带,把数据记录于表格。  ③取下A瓶加料口的橡皮塞,用小烧杯加入20 mL水,再把已称量的镁带加到A瓶的底部,用橡皮塞塞紧加料口。  ④用
2008——2009年静乐宫精神文明建设工作,在丹江口市委市政府的高度重视和有力领导下,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,服务大局,大力加强思想道德建设,深入开展 U
背景资料: 南京,六朝都会,全国首批历史文化名城南京,全国最具发展潜力的城市,全国四大科研教育中心城市,全国最具竞争力城市,其科技实力位居全国第三,综合实力进入全国50强,
一、抓住时机,一鼓作气.迅速将工作落实到基层 根据国家经贸委的统一部署,按照《国家经贸委支持“西部大开发”中小企业工商管理培训电视教学总体方案》的具体要求,我们在二