Patient female, 18 years old. Due to cough, night sweats, fever 2 months treatment. Physical examination found only reduced left lung breath sounds. ESR77mm / h, sputum smear Mycobacterium tuberculosis (卅); X-ray showed the left lung, the lower field has a small shadow, the left of the field has a large shadow of fuzzy. Diagnosis of left infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. The use of short interval intermittent standard chemotherapy regimen, namely 2H_3R_3Z_3S_3 / 4H_3R_3 (H is isoniazid, R is rifampin, Z is pyrazinamide, S is streptomycin). After 2 months of intensive treatment at the end of the patient to reduce cough, sputum volume decreased significantly, but the body temperature is still 37.3 ~ 38 ℃. Review ESR105mm / h; chest X-ray showed lesions progress, the left lung has a large shadow of the middle and lower lungs, sputum negative conversion, consider the “like Hatch” phenomenon and extend the intensive treatment for 1 month. At the end of the 6-month course of treatment, the patient’s condition improved, sputum negative, ESR dropped to 40mm / h, but the chest radiograph showed left lung fusion as a large piece of shade