一、一 般 特 征 良恭岩体位于甘肃省宕昌县,时代为印支期。区域上,该区正处祁吕贺兰山字形构造前弧西翼与秦岭—昆仑纬向构造带重接部位。区内基本构造型式为北西—北西西向线型褶皱和压扭性断裂。岩体沿着轴向为北西,轴面向北东陡倾的次级背斜核部侵入,呈不规则长扁豆状产出(表1)围岩岩性为钙质砂岩夹砂质灰岩等。
First, the general characteristics of Liang Mu Rock is located in Gansu Province, Dangchang County, Indo-China era. In the area, the area is located at the junction of the west arc of Qilu Helan Mountain glyph and the reconnection site of Qinling-Kunlun zonal tectonic belt. The basic structure type in the area is northwest-northwestern westerly fold and compressive-torsional fracture. The rock mass is northwest along the axial direction, and the axis of the rock mass intrudes into the northeast steep sub-anticline core with irregular long lentil output (Table 1). The lithology of the surrounding rock is calcareous sandstone sandstone .