A new automatic alignment technology for single mode fiber-waveguide based on improved genetic algor

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cchongzi
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A novel automatic alignment algorithm of single mode fiber-waveguide based on improved genetic algorithm is proposed.The genetic searching is based on the dynamic crossover operator and the adaptive mutation operator to solve the premature convergence of simple genetic algorithm.The improved genetic algorithm combines with hill-climbing method and pattern searching algorithm,to solve low precision of simple genetic algorithm in later searching.The simulation results indicate that the improved genetic algorithm can rise the alignment precision and reach the coupling loss of 0.01 dB when platform moves near 207 space points averagely. A novel automatic alignment algorithm of single mode fiber-waveguide based on improved genetic algorithm is proposed. The genetic searching is based on the dynamic crossover operator and the adaptive mutation operator to solve the premature convergence of simple genetic algorithm. The improved genetic algorithm combines with hill-climbing method and pattern searching algorithm, to solve low precision of simple genetic algorithm in later searching. The simulation results indicate that the improved genetic algorithm can rise the alignment precision and reach the coupling loss of 0.01 dB when platform moves near 207 space points averagely.
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