两年前,我班的一位孩子要过生日了,他爸爸特地从广州请假赶回来,还给孩子买了不少东西。对此,我心里很有感触:我们幼儿园的老师能不能利用这个时机,开辟新的阵地,充实幼儿生日的内容,对幼儿产生积极的影响,以收到良好的教育效果呢? 从那时起,我就在小班幼儿中开展了生日活动,到现在每个幼儿已在集体中过了两个生日。经过调查,百分之百的幼儿喜欢在幼儿园过生日,他们能把过生日时的活动项目
Two years ago, one of my class’s children had a birthday. His father specially hurried off from Guangzhou and bought a lot of things for his children. In this regard, I feel very much in my heart: Can our kindergarten teachers take advantage of this opportunity to open up new positions and enrich the content of young children’s children and have a positive impact on young children in order to receive good educational results? Since then , I started my birthday activities among young children in small classes and by now every young child has already had two birthdays in her group. After investigation, one hundred percent of children like to have a birthday in kindergarten, they can put the birthday item