岷江上游是四川盆地和长江干流的重要生态屏障,其植被资源在汶川地震中遭受了严重破坏。以震前(2006年)和震后(2008年和2010年)的遥感影像数据为基础,研究了该区域植被在地震中的受损情况及灾后恢复状况。研究表明:受地震影响,岷江上游森林、灌木、草地和荒漠植被面积在2006~2008年分别下降23 124、15 409、7 482和2 656hm2,降幅依次为2.73%、2.53%、1.04%和4.12%,而沼泽面积变化不大;经过灾后恢复,森林、灌木、草地和荒漠植被面积在2008~2010年分别恢复12 104、21 283、10 554和2 847hm2,分别占受损面积的52%、138%、141%和107%,而沼泽面积变化依然不大。植被的这些变化对区域的生态服务功能产生了深远影响。对合理开发利用区域资源、妥善处理经济建设和生态环境保护矛盾以及科学保障长江流域的生态安全都具有一定的指导意义。
The upper reaches of the Minjiang River is an important ecological barrier in the Sichuan Basin and the mainstream of the Yangtze River. Its vegetation resources have suffered serious damage during the Wenchuan earthquake. Based on the data of the pre-earthquake (2006) and post-earthquake (2008 and 2010) remote sensing images, the damage of the vegetation in the earthquake and the situation of post-disaster recovery were studied. The results show that the area of forest, shrub, grassland and desert vegetation in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River decreased by 23 124,15 409,7 482 and 2 656hm2 in 2006-2008, respectively, with the decreases of 2.73%, 2.53%, 1.04% and 4.12 respectively %, While the swamp area changed little. After the disaster recovery, the area of forest, shrub, grassland and desert vegetation recovered 12 104,21 283,10 554 and 2 847hm2 respectively from 2008 to 2010, accounting for 52% of the damaged area, 138%, 141% and 107%, while the marsh area change is still modest. These changes in vegetation have a profound impact on the ecological service function of the region. It is of guiding significance to properly develop and utilize regional resources, properly handle the contradictions between economic construction and ecological environment protection, and scientifically guarantee the ecological security in the Yangtze River Basin.