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生产薄壁厚边筒形件的工艺我厂生产如图1所示的薄壁厚边筒形零件,材料是25钢。原采用圆钢车削而成,既浪费材料又浪费工时,工艺比较落后。另外这种材料的引伸塑性较小,进行多次引伸比较困难,而且零件各处厚度不一,壁部厚度要求为1.3毫米、边部厚度要求为3.5毫米、底部厚度要求为2毫米。因此采用单纯的冲压工艺也难以达到目的,我们试验用引伸、变薄引伸和冷墩相结合的工艺在冲床上生产该零件。经过长期考验证明效果良好,节省原材料6倍多,提高工效一倍多,也提高了零件的强度。 Production of thin-walled edge of the cylinder-shaped pieces of the process I plant the production shown in Figure 1 thin-walled side-cylindrical parts, the material is 25 steel. The original use of round steel turning, both waste of materials and a waste of working hours, technology is relatively backward. In addition, this material is less ductile plastic, it is more difficult to conduct multiple extensions, and the thickness of the parts varies from place to place. The thickness of the wall is 1.3 millimeters, the thickness of the side is 3.5 millimeters and the thickness of the bottom is 2 millimeters. Therefore, using a simple stamping process is also difficult to achieve the goal, we test the extension, thinning extension and cold pier combination process in the punch on the production of the parts. After a long period of tests prove that the effect is good, saving 6 times raw materials, improve work efficiency more than doubled, but also improve the strength of the parts.
“给我们上的第一课就是看老师们演出昆剧。 第一出戏开始了,只见打扮得花花绿绿的一个是小姐,一个是丫头,又是梳头,又是照镜子,拿着扇子跑来跑去,别的什么也没有看懂,后来
前人曾研究用各种有机溶剂萃取硒和碲,但硒、碲共存时的萃取分离似尚少见。因此,我们研究了在不同稀释剂存在下用 TBP 萃取硒、碲溴化物的行为,试图从中寻求硒、碲共存时的
近半年来持续“修理”阵容的网队,在今年夏天签下了前魔术队后卫杜林(Keyon Dooling)当作球队第六人。这个动作让上季因为受伤而表现并不怎么理想的M.威廉姆斯(Marcus Willia