2001—2005年教育部高等学校档案学学科教学指导委员会成立及第十届档案学专业系主任联席会议于2001年11月19—21日在北京召开 ,这是新世纪第一次档案学学科教学指导委员会与档案系主任的联席会议。会议的中心议题是研究和确定档案学学科“十五”发展思路。
2001-2005 Ministry of Education archives science teaching steering committee was established and the Tenth Archives professional director of the joint meeting in November 19-21, 2001 held in Beijing, this is the first time in the new century archival science teaching Steering Committee and Archives Department of the joint meeting. The central topic of the conference is to study and confirm the development train of thought of archives science in the “Tenth Five-year Plan”.