A case report patient female, 44 years old. 2011-11-28 Because “found right breast block 6 months ” admitted to our hospital oncology. 6 months ago found that the right upper quadrant of the outer quadrant had a lump, about the size of the coin, no redness and swelling of the local pain, no attention, and later found that the lump progressive increase in the past month to increase significantly, the size of a duck, then come Our hospital. Physical examination on admission: the right upper quadrant of the upper quadrant palpable size of about 5cm × 4cm mass, irregular shape, texture hard, fixed, the border is not clear, the surface is not smooth, no tenderness, no ulceration, no orange peel sign and nipple Discharge fluid, neck, supraclavicular, underarm and other superficial lymph nodes did not touch the enlargement, lung and heart and other body parts