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今年中国钢材大约增产8000万吨,主要通过大量出口、固定资产投资强劲增长和汽车等耗钢产品快速增加来消化,但2007年上述情况会发生较大变化。据国家发改委负责人透露,2007年我国钢铁工业工作的重中之重仍然是控制总量、淘汰落后、加快结构调整。由于我国钢铁生产的高增长与顶替进口和扩大出口的关联度上升,钢铁业表观消费量低速增长的拐点已出现。据统计,1-10月份全国产钢3.4614亿吨,同比增长18.35%。与此同时,进口钢材减少638万吨,进口钢坯减少80万吨;出口钢材增加1569万吨,出口钢坯增加92万吨。因此,顶替进口和扩大出口折合粗钢2520万吨,占同期钢产 This year, China’s steel production will increase by about 80 million tons, mainly through massive exports, strong growth in investment in fixed assets and the rapid increase in consumption of steel products such as automobiles. However, the above situation will change greatly in 2007. According to the person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission revealed that in 2007 the top priority of China’s steel industry is still the total amount of control, eliminate backward and speed up structural adjustment. As the link between the high growth of China’s steel production and the replacement and expansion of exports has risen, the inflection point of the steel industry’s apparent slowdown in apparent consumption has emerged. According to statistics, from January to October, the country’s steel production totaled 346.614 million tons, up 18.35% from a year earlier. In the meantime, imports of steel products decreased by 6.38 million tons and imports of billet by 800,000 tons. Exports of steel products increased by 15.69 million tons and billet exports by 920,000 tons. Therefore, to replace imported and expanded exports equivalent to 25.2 million tons of crude steel, accounting for the same period of steel production
维甲酸(retinoic acid,RA)是维生素A的一种衍生物,分为顺式维甲酸和全反式维甲酸,目前国内应用以全反式维甲酸为主. Retinoic acid (RA) is a derivative of vitamin A, whi
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