On the evening of February 20, 2010, people in Jinzhong, Taiyuan, Luliang, Changzhi, Yangquan and other places in Shanxi Province came onto the streets in response to the cold wind and other “earthquakes.” The reason was that one network was circulating Local rumors of earthquakes. It is not hard for us to see from this that rumors are only a trigger. The public lack of scientific understanding of earthquakes and earthquakes and the shadows left by the earthquakes that frequent the world over in the world in recent years are probably the real farce. “Dynamite bag ”. In the near future, we specially interviewed researcher Gao Jianguo from the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration and researcher Sun Shizhen from China Earthquake Networks Center and asked them to talk about earthquake prediction and recent earthquakes through the “Shanxi earthquake rumors.”