Enjoying the fame of a “shopping paradise”, Guangzhou is one of the most important commodity distribution centers in southern China.
Beijing Road is one of the oldest areas in Guangzhou. It has
everything that a tourist needs—cheap clothes, good food and even a little history. A lane was built in this area 1)depicting scenes from the Song Dynasty some 1,000 years ago. In 1997, Beijing Road was honored as one of the best model shopping areas in the country.
Stretching some 800 meters, Shangxiajiu is home to some 240 buildings. Built early in the last century, these buildings are called 2)sotto porticos, one of the most typical local styles of architectures[sic]. Shangxiajiu is filled with shops, department stores and various kinds of restaurants. There are old shops
specializing in 3)cured meat, groceries and cookies, and modern restaurants with all kinds of traditional and Western-style 4)cuisine.
Different traditional professions and historical sites are scattered along Shangxiajiu Street. Among them, Xilaichudi is believed to be the site where an accomplished Indian monk who came to China as a missionary first landed in China. Hualin Temple, Jade Street and 5)Antique Row all offer high-quality products at an
affordable price.
Other famous Guangzhou specialty streets include Changzhou Road, which is the street for 6)jade, while Daxin Road is for folk art and crafts. Tianhe Road is for computers, while Wushan is for scientific products; Qianjinnanlu is for pets and Danan Road is for fresh flowers.
In addition, a street called Zhuangyuanfang sells accessories popular with students, such as unique 7)octopus 8)barrettes, funny cartoon hair 9)ornaments, delicate necklaces, cosmetics, dolls and pictures. The 700-year-old street has become a
favorite for young people today.
Besides these time-honored commercial streets, Guangzhou also has new commercial strips like Teem Plaza and the Friendship Store.
The open-air night markets scattered across the city’s major shopping areas are also worth mentioning. These night
markets are open from dusk to midnight, selling things for daily use, fashionable clothing and food. With low prices and the fun of bargaining, these night markets are making the 10)vibrant nightlife in Guangzhou even more colorful.
★ 北京路(Beijing Road)是广州城建之始所在地,也是广州历史上最繁华的商业集散地。这一区域有多个朝代的十几处具有较高历史文化价值的古迹,虽然历经两千多年的沧桑,其中心地位始终没有改变。近年来,北京路凭借自己独特的历史文化渊源和鲜明的商业经济优势,成为受中外游客欢迎的“羊城商业旅游区”。
★ 上下九步行街(Shangxiajiu Street)地处广州荔湾区(俗称西关),骑楼建筑连绵千米,西关大屋极具特色,是广州三大传统繁荣商业中心之一,蜚声海内外。明清时期,这里是广州与全国及海内外进行贸易往来的一个重要窗口。在漫长的历史长河中,这里形成了当今商业步行街中西合璧的西关风情特色。
★ 状元坊(Zhuangyuanfang)是一条古老的内巷街,有700多年历史,因宋代状元张镇孙故居于此而得名。自清康熙年间以来,街内遍布加工金银首饰、戏服、顾绣、绒线绣球的手工艺作坊,并以其技术精巧而享誉国内外。1990年开始设立工艺品市场,并逐步发展成为远近闻名、颇有特点的学生用品和工艺精品专业街。
★ 天河城(Teem Plaza或Teemall)是一座规模宏大、功能齐全的综合购物中心,曾被誉为“中国第一商城”,集购物、游览、美食、娱乐、休闲、商务、广告、信息、展览、康体等多功能于一体,名副其实地“把北京路搬进了天河城广场”,在广州开创了一种全新的消费概念。
Enjoying the fame of a “shopping paradise”, Guangzhou is one of the most important commodity distribution centers in southern China.
Beijing Road is one of the oldest areas in Guangzhou. It has
everything that a tourist needs—cheap clothes, good food and even a little history. A lane was built in this area 1)depicting scenes from the Song Dynasty some 1,000 years ago. In 1997, Beijing Road was honored as one of the best model shopping areas in the country.
Stretching some 800 meters, Shangxiajiu is home to some 240 buildings. Built early in the last century, these buildings are called 2)sotto porticos, one of the most typical local styles of architectures[sic]. Shangxiajiu is filled with shops, department stores and various kinds of restaurants. There are old shops
specializing in 3)cured meat, groceries and cookies, and modern restaurants with all kinds of traditional and Western-style 4)cuisine.
Different traditional professions and historical sites are scattered along Shangxiajiu Street. Among them, Xilaichudi is believed to be the site where an accomplished Indian monk who came to China as a missionary first landed in China. Hualin Temple, Jade Street and 5)Antique Row all offer high-quality products at an
affordable price.
Other famous Guangzhou specialty streets include Changzhou Road, which is the street for 6)jade, while Daxin Road is for folk art and crafts. Tianhe Road is for computers, while Wushan is for scientific products; Qianjinnanlu is for pets and Danan Road is for fresh flowers.
In addition, a street called Zhuangyuanfang sells accessories popular with students, such as unique 7)octopus 8)barrettes, funny cartoon hair 9)ornaments, delicate necklaces, cosmetics, dolls and pictures. The 700-year-old street has become a
favorite for young people today.
Besides these time-honored commercial streets, Guangzhou also has new commercial strips like Teem Plaza and the Friendship Store.
The open-air night markets scattered across the city’s major shopping areas are also worth mentioning. These night
markets are open from dusk to midnight, selling things for daily use, fashionable clothing and food. With low prices and the fun of bargaining, these night markets are making the 10)vibrant nightlife in Guangzhou even more colorful.
★ 北京路(Beijing Road)是广州城建之始所在地,也是广州历史上最繁华的商业集散地。这一区域有多个朝代的十几处具有较高历史文化价值的古迹,虽然历经两千多年的沧桑,其中心地位始终没有改变。近年来,北京路凭借自己独特的历史文化渊源和鲜明的商业经济优势,成为受中外游客欢迎的“羊城商业旅游区”。
★ 上下九步行街(Shangxiajiu Street)地处广州荔湾区(俗称西关),骑楼建筑连绵千米,西关大屋极具特色,是广州三大传统繁荣商业中心之一,蜚声海内外。明清时期,这里是广州与全国及海内外进行贸易往来的一个重要窗口。在漫长的历史长河中,这里形成了当今商业步行街中西合璧的西关风情特色。
★ 状元坊(Zhuangyuanfang)是一条古老的内巷街,有700多年历史,因宋代状元张镇孙故居于此而得名。自清康熙年间以来,街内遍布加工金银首饰、戏服、顾绣、绒线绣球的手工艺作坊,并以其技术精巧而享誉国内外。1990年开始设立工艺品市场,并逐步发展成为远近闻名、颇有特点的学生用品和工艺精品专业街。
★ 天河城(Teem Plaza或Teemall)是一座规模宏大、功能齐全的综合购物中心,曾被誉为“中国第一商城”,集购物、游览、美食、娱乐、休闲、商务、广告、信息、展览、康体等多功能于一体,名副其实地“把北京路搬进了天河城广场”,在广州开创了一种全新的消费概念。