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未来10~20年,是我国经济社会发展的重要机遇期,也是科技发展的重要机遇期。制定国家中长期科学和技术发展规划是党的十六大提出的一项重要任务,是关系全面实现小康的一件十分重大的事情,也是今年科技工作的重点之一。做好这次规划对于推动我国经济、社会和科技事业的发展具有十分重大的意义。目前,国家中长期科学和技术发展规划的制定工作正在紧张、有序地进行,本刊特邀请了参与规划研究和制定的部分专家就科技发展的热点问题进行探讨,并选登了他们的部分文章,供广大读者参考。 The next 10 to 20 years will be an important opportunity for China’s economic and social development and an important opportunity for the development of science and technology. The formulation of a national medium and long term plan for the development of science and technology is an important task put forward by the 16th National Congress of the CPC. It is a very important matter concerning the full realization of a well-to-do relationship and is also one of the focuses of science and technology work this year. To do a good job of this plan is of great significance to promoting the development of China’s economy, society and science and technology. At present, the formulation of national medium and long-term scientific and technological development plans is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner. We have invited some experts involved in planning research and formulation to discuss hot issues in science and technology development and selected their part Article, for the majority of readers reference.
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