In the recent People’s Education (March 1955), a short commentary entitled “Strengthening Theoretical and Practical Links to Improve Biology Teaching in Secondary Schools” was published, along with five articles on biology teaching. In the case of biological communication, Many articles have also been published on the one hand, and many of our biological teachers have stepped up their experimental internship and visit work. We have also seen some achievements in this regard. However, one of the problems does not allow us to ignore it. That is, our connection is not only a service for production and construction, but also a link to class struggle. Now let me give you a specific example! There is a biology teacher comrade, he prepared lessons very often, often the textbook is a cursive, reading reference books every night, not deep in the middle of the night .If you say he is a dogmatist This is not, he established in the school feeding animals and plant sites, he has a wealth of practical experience, he both chicken, rabbit, but also beekeeping, planting flowers. And he owned a nursery garden at his own house, selling his garden nursery stock to school and selling himself on campus. Because of his extensive book knowledge, rich practical experience;