Case Summary Male, 66 years old, farmer, disease 4306, radiograph 2534. Three years no obvious incentive to find the right to delete the thigh root pain, aggravating activities, while found that local swelling bulge, conscious joints have a sense of mass stuck in the past year to affect activity, can not fully squat. Check: normal development, moderate nutrition, heart and lung were no abnormalities, other limbs and joints no obvious abnormalities. In front of the right side of the hip obvious bulge, touch as a hard tumor, like bone-like hard, the size of about 6 × 5 × 3 cm, the surface is not smooth, the state clearly, the base does not move. Limited hip flexion, only up to 80 ° adduction, abduction is not sufficient. X-ray findings: the hip before the inside, rather inside the femoral neck, on the right shame