本文运用生命周期评价方法 ,综合考虑江西省畜牧产业的整个过程,选取饲料粮种植、饲料粮运输和加工、畜禽肠道发酵、粪便管理系统、饲养环节耗能和畜禽产品屠宰加工六大环节,测算分析了1990—2013年江西省畜牧产业生命周期温室气体排放的时空差异。研究结果表明:总量上,1990—2013年,江西省畜牧产业生命周期及各个环节、各类别畜禽的CO2当量排放量均呈上升趋势,其中饲料粮种植、饲料粮运输加工、畜禽饲养耗能和畜禽产品屠宰加工环节CO2当量排放量上升趋势尤为明显;结构上,饲料粮种植、畜禽肠道发酵和粪便管理系统是江西省温室气体排放的主要来源,非反刍畜禽温室气体排放比例高于反刍畜禽;地区差异上,宜春市、吉安市和赣州市CO2当量排放总量位列江西省前三位,且排放总量远高于其他市区。
In this paper, the life cycle assessment method is used to comprehensively consider the whole process of livestock husbandry in Jiangxi Province. The six processes of feed grain planting, feed grain transportation and processing, livestock and poultry intestine fermentation, manure management system, feeding energy consumption and slaughter and processing of livestock products are selected Link, calculated and analyzed the spatial and temporal differences of greenhouse gas emissions in the livestock industry life cycle in Jiangxi Province during 1990-2013. The results showed that the total amount of CO2e emissions of livestock and poultry in all categories showed an upward trend from 1990 to 2013 in the life cycle of livestock husbandry in Jiangxi Province and in all aspects. Among them, the feed grain planting, feed grain transportation and processing, livestock and poultry raising Energy consumption and livestock and poultry products slaughter and processing aspects of the rising trend of CO2-equivalent emissions is particularly evident; structurally, feed grain cultivation, livestock and poultry intestine fermentation and manure management system is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Jiangxi Province, non-Ruminant livestock greenhouse gases The proportion of emissions is higher than that of ruminant livestock and poultry. On the regional differences, the total amount of CO2 equivalent emissions of Yichun, Ji’an and Ganzhou ranked the top three in Jiangxi Province with much higher emissions than those in other urban areas.