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一、尖头瓜尖头瓜又称尖嘴瓜,是畸形黄瓜中常见的一种。主要由以下因素引起:(一)黄瓜单性结实弱,开花期雌花没有受精。因为单性结实的品种,一般较难独自发育成果实,又由于雌花没有受精,果实中不能形成种子,缺少了促使营养物质向果实运输的源动力,因而造成果尖端营养不良,形成尖头瓜。防治措施:在黄瓜开花期创造良好的授粉条件如放蜂、人工授粉等。(二)植株生长早期,氮肥供应不足,使得植株茎秆细而坚韧,果实也会产生尖头瓜。防治措施:施入尿素等含氮量较高的肥。 First, the pointy melon Pointed melon, also known as pointy melon, is a common type of deformed cucumber. Mainly caused by the following factors: (a) Cucumber unisexual weak, flowering female flowers are not fertilized. Because parthenocarpic varieties are generally more difficult to develop into fruits alone, but also because the female flower is not fertilized, the fruit can not form seeds, lack of nutrients to promote the transport of fruits to the source of power, resulting in malnutrition tip fruit, the formation of pointy melons . Control measures: the flowering in the cucumber to create a good pollination conditions such as beekeeping, artificial pollination and so on. (B) the early plant growth, lack of nitrogen supply, making plant stems thin and tough, the fruit will also produce pointy melon. Control measures: Apply urea and other high nitrogen fertilizer.
用扦插或栽苗方法种植葡萄,一般需要两年或两年以上才挂果。现介绍一种当年栽植当年即可收获的新技术。 一、整地与施肥 土壤以砂壤土为最佳。土壤PH值在6.5~7.2即可栽种,建
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