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10月28日,十届全国人大常委会表决通过了新修改的《律师法》,该法将于2008年6月1日起施行。这是我国法制建设的一件大事,是我国律师行业的一件喜事,标志着中国特色社会主义律师制度的进一步完善,标志着中国特色社会主义律师事业将在新的历史起点上实现又好又快发展。修订后的《律师法》根据10年来律师工作取得的成绩和经验,适应新时期新阶段党和国家的新要求,从我国的基本国情出发.对原《律师法》作了较大修改和完善,以立法的形式肯定了我国律师制度改革发展取得的成果,进一步完善了我国律师制度。它的颁布实施,是完善中国特色社会主义法律制度的重要组成部分.是进一步推进依法治国.建设社会主义法治国家的实际步骤。是保障我国律师工作适应经济社会发展要求的重要举措,为律师更好地履行职责,维护当事人的合法权益,维护法律的正确实施,维护社会公平和正义.更加自觉地积极投身于服务全面建设小康社会的伟大实践提供了法律保障。为进一步推进律师工作建设,加强律师队伍建设,完善律师管理体制,提高律师工作水平提供了重要法律依据。修订后的《律师法》适应新时期我国律师工作改革和发展的需要,对原《律师法》作了较大调整、补充和修改。新增、修订条款40余条,从律师执业许可、律师事务所组织形式、律师执业权利和义务、律师业务和律师执业监督管理、法律责任等诸多方面进一步改革和完善了我国律师制度。律师在法庭上发表的代理、辩护意见不受法律追究,律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人不被监听,个人有权开办律师事务所……一系列新增内容,让人们有理由相信.今后律师的执业权利将会得到更加有力的法律保障,新规定将会推动律师业蓬勃发展。本刊组织有关专业人士对新《律师法》进行了解读,现辑录如下。 On October 28, the Tenth National People’s Congress voted to pass the newly revised Law on Solicitors, which will come into force on June 1, 2008. This is a major event in the legal construction of our country and a happy event in the lawyer’s profession in our country. It marks the further improvement of the socialist lawyer system with Chinese characteristics and marks the beginning of a new historic starting point for lawyers with Chinese characteristics in social affairs. Fast development. The amended Lawyers Law, based on the achievements and experience gained in lawyers ’work over the past 10 years, is adapting to the new requirements of the party and the state in the new stage of the new era and starting from the basic national conditions in our country. The lawyers’ law was greatly amended and improved , In the form of legislation, affirmed the achievements made in the reform and development of China’s lawyer system and further perfected the lawyer system in our country. Its enactment and implementation is an important part of perfecting the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and is a practical step toward further promoting the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law. It is an important measure to protect the lawyers’ work in meeting the requirements of economic and social development, to better perform their duties for lawyers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of litigants, safeguard the correct implementation of laws, and safeguard social fairness and justice. More Actively Engage in Serving for Building a Well-off Society The great practice of society provides legal protection. It provides important legal basis for further promoting the lawyer’s work construction, strengthening the lawyer’s team building, perfecting the lawyer management system and improving the lawyer’s work level. The revised lawyers’ law, adapted to the needs of the reform and development of China’s lawyer work in the new era, made great adjustments, supplements and revisions to the former Lawyer’s Law. Added and amended more than 40 articles, further reforming and perfecting the lawyer system in our country from such aspects as the practice of lawyers, the organization of law firms, the rights and obligations of lawyers, the supervision and management of lawyers and lawyers, and legal responsibilities. Lawyers in court, agents, defense opinions are not subject to law, lawyers meet the suspects, the accused is not monitored, individuals have the right to start a law firm ...... A series of new content, so that people have reason to believe. Of the practice of the right to be more robust legal protection, the new rules will promote the lawyer industry to flourish. The magazine organizes relevant professionals to interpret the new Lawyers Law, and is hereby listed as follows.
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