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一、严格要求,规范管理。所谓规范管理,是指组织教育审判干部,采取有效措施,促使其制作合乎法律规定和最高法院要求规格的裁判文书。规范的裁判文书应是格式规范,符合法律,叙述事实清楚,是非责任分明,说理充分有力,适用法律政策恰当,结论准确,结构严谨,文字通顺,语育精炼,简明易懂,正确使用标点符号。按照这一要求,对照现有差距,应着重解决好下列问题:第一,除解决格式、内容不规范问题外,要下力气,解决文字上的错、别、代、漏、空字问题。如把“骨折”写成“骨拆”;“厮打”写成“撕打”;“五百零三元整”,写成“五百另三元正”;这些问题的存在,影响法律严肃性,有失法律尊严,因此,要认真规范,按照国家正式公布的《简化字总表》和1965年推行的《印刷通用汉字字形表》去反复学习训练,力求准确无误。第二,解决句子成份混乱,表述不严密问题。如某裁判文书写道:“被告的妹 First, strict requirements, standardize management. The so-called standard management, refers to the organization of educational trial cadres, to take effective measures to promote its production in line with legal requirements and the requirements of the Supreme Court’s judgment instruments. The normative arbitration instruments shall be in the form of norms, conform to the law, have clear narrative facts, clear non-responsibility, reasonable and reasonable arguments, precise conclusions, precise structure, fluent text, refined and refined education, concise and easy to understand, correct punctuation . In accordance with this requirement, we should focus on solving the following problems in comparison with the existing disparities: First, we should make efforts to solve the problems of wrong characters, falsity, fatalities, leaks and empty words in addition to the problems of non-standard format and content. Such as “fracture” written as “bone demolition”; “tussle” written as “tearing”; “500 yuan whole”, written as “five hundred another three yuan positive”; the existence of these issues affect the seriousness of the law there Therefore, we should conscientiously regulate and follow the “Simplified Chinese Word List” officially promulgated by the state and the “Printing General Chinese Character Glyph Table” introduced in 1965 so as to be accurate and correct. Second, to solve the confusion of the sentence composition, the expression is not tight questions. As an arbitral tribunal wrote: "Defendant’s sister
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不等式是中考的重点内容之一,主要考查不等式(组)的解法及在生活中的应用.这类题一般不难,属于基础题.现以2009年中考题为例,说明这类题的解法.考点1不等式的基本性质 Inequ