Theoretical energy consumption analytical method for metal separation process

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tudouaimangguo
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The theoretical energy consumption(TEC)analytical methods and the calculated models for the electrolytic and thermal reduction metal separation processes have been put forward based on thermodynamics and physical chemistry principles,providing theoretical foundation for choosing the optimum metal separation methods.Based on the models,the TECs of the Mg separation processes are taken as an example,and have been calculated and analyzed contrastively,including the MgCl_2 electrolytic method,the MgO electrolytic method with inert electrode and with carbon anode,and the silicothermic method.It is shown that the thermal method is more reasonable than the electrolytic methods to separate Mg under low efficiency of coal power generation. The theoretical energy consumption (TEC) analytical methods and the calculated models for the electrolytic and thermal reduction metal separation processes have been put forward based on thermodynamics and physical chemistry principles, to provide theoretical foundation for choosing the optimum metal separation methods. Based on the models, the TECs of the Mg separation processes are taken as an example, and have been calculated and analyzed contrastively, including the MgCl 2 electrolytic method, the MgO electrolytic method with inert electrode and with carbon anode, and the silicothermic method. method is more reasonable than the electrolytic methods to separate Mg under low efficiency of coal power generation.
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