在某年“六一”儿童节前,一位朋友送给我几张照片,我一直珍藏着。照片上一个一岁三个月的小男孩怯生生地在公园的草地上试步。他的妈妈告诉我,这是孩子第一次走上草地,有点惊,有点怕,又有点好奇……照片中涌动着一股探索的力量。由此我又想起了曾在《读者》杂志上看到的一幅照片:一双慈爱的手捧抚着一只嫩嫩的小脚丫。这只脚将会在人生的路途上留下怎样的足迹? 孩子们的生日和节日正如同结环记
In a year “61 ” Children’s Day, a friend gave me a few photos, I have been kept. A little boy, one year old and three months old, timidly tried her hands on the grass in the park. His mum told me that this is the first time a child has taken to the grass, a bit scared, a bit scared, and a little curious ... there is an exploration force in the picture. From this I remembered a picture once seen in Reader magazine: a pair of loving hands caressing a tender little feet. What kind of footprints will this foot leave on the road to life? Children’s birthday and festival are just like knot