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1978年至今,我科对外伤性白内障术后无晶体63眼植入前房线型人工晶体,重点观察了该手术合并症的发生情况,现将发生原因及防治措施谈几点粗浅体会并希批评指正。手术方法术前不需散瞳也不需采取降低眼压措施,角巩膜缘切口依据人工晶体植入方位而定,避开虹膜前粘连处,先在一侧做宽5mm,长10mm基底在角膜缘的结膜瓣,切开角巩膜缘长5mm,在对侧也做同样结膜瓣,在角巩膜缘做板层切开,长5mm将晶体一侧的2根线分别穿入尖端带孔的6号注射针头上,再接2ml空针、(内盛1ml盐水)它是由切透一侧的角巩膜缘进入前房,边进针边注水, Since 1978, our department of traumatic cataract surgery 63 patients without amblyopia implanted anterior chamber intraocular lens, the focus of the observation of the occurrence of complications, now the causes and prevention measures to talk about a few superficial experience and hope Criticism and correction. Surgical approach without dilation before surgery nor need to take measures to reduce intraocular pressure, angle scleral incision based on intraocular lens implantation orientation, to avoid the pre-iris adhesions, the first side to do wide 5mm, 10mm long base in the cornea Edge of the conjunctival flap, incision angle scleral margin 5mm, the same side of the conjunctiva also do the same, in the angle of the scleral margin to do lamellar incision, long 5mm will crystal side of the two lines were penetrating the tip of the hole 6 No. Needle injection, and then take 2ml empty needle, (filled with 1ml saline) It is by the side of the scleral limbus into the anterior chamber, side into the needle side of water,
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你想知道谁是中国“文化力研究之你”、“文化力研究第一人”吗?贾春峰教授语出惊人。 You want to know who is China’s “cultural power of you”, “cultural power of
每个人都有自己的青春故事,故事里都有不同的故事,都深深印刻在脑海里。  初三那一年,父亲工作调动到省里,我也从一所镇中学调到了另一所省城学校,由于课堂进度和教学质量的差异,本来学习成绩优秀的我,在这里连中等生都算不上。我接受不了这么大的落差。不过,我没有放弃,使出全身的力气努力学习,期望尽快赶上来。可没想到,期末考试我只排了班里23名,距離进前10名的目标还有那么远。  我彻底失望了。这半年来,我
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