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  语音:英美发音 适合泛听
  关键词:robot, kindergarten, South Korea
  Kindergarten students in South Korea can’t complain of being bored anymore—now they have robot teachers to help them. That’s a 1)collaboration between government technology and educational departments, and the 2)initial feedback is good. Kindergarten kids love their robot teachers.
  Lucky students at 50 kindergartens in South Korea have the opportunity to test out the latest education aid—robot teachers.
  Known as the “R-learning” program, two3)prototypes are being 4)put to the test. One, called Irobi, gets to work in the classroom, doing the register and checking of the students’ moods. The other robot, called Jenibo, works in the 5)gymnasium.
  Kindergarten Student: (via translator) The robot can be an 6)aerobic teacher. It can also teach national gymnastics, too.
  The robots are helping out in kindergartens where there is a shortage of teachers and assistants and a lack of teaching programs. They certainly seem popular with students.
  The program was launched by the government earlier this year. The idea is to provide not only robots, but also an integrated teaching program to assistant teachers.
  The teachers, too, have welcomed their new assistants.
  Kindergarten Teacher: (via translator) I think the robot can deal with children when teachers don’t have enough time to take care of each one. Besides, it has many convenient functions in the way that it can check the students’ daily attendance, which was the teachers’ job, and it can regularly check the children’s mood and condition.
  The educational robot isn’t meant to replace human teachers but to assist them and make classes more fun for children. It also works as a means of teaching children about 7)robotics.
  By the end of next year the robots are expected to be 8)rolled out in another 450 or so kindergartens in South Korea.
  这个名为“机器人教学”研究项目推出两个机器人样机作为试验。一个名叫 Irobi 的机器人负责在课室里给学生点名,登记考勤,检查学生的精神情绪状况。另一个名叫 Jenibo 的机器人则在体育馆内工作。
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