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目前乡镇企业统计力量相当薄弱,村及乡村企业的统计人员一般都是由会计兼任的,个体企业一般无财会人员,更无统计人员。在这种情况下,已经无法沿用全面统计的方法了。况且乡镇企业点多面广,行业繁多,门类齐全,对它们的税收、工商管理形式各不相同,采用全面统计难度很大。据调查,有的乡以下企业就存在着报少不报多、报小不报大的情况;还有的村在会计工作忙时根本不去收集统计报表,而是在办公室随意填几个数上报了事。这些都严重影响了统计数字的准确性.怎样才能较准确地反映乡镇企业的实际情况呢?我认为,在加强统计法制建设的同时,必须改进乡镇企业统计的调查方法,把全面调查、重点调查和抽样调查结合起来收集乡镇企业的统计数据. At present, the statistical strength of township and village enterprises is rather weak. The statisticians in villages and rural enterprises are generally accountants. Individual enterprises generally do not have accounting personnel or even statisticians. Under such circumstances, it is no longer possible to use a comprehensive statistical approach. In addition, township enterprises have a wide range of industries, a wide range of industries and a complete range of industries. Taxation and business administration vary in different forms, making it difficult to adopt comprehensive statistics. According to the survey, some township enterprises there is reported less reported less reported small reported small case; there are villages in the accounting work is busy not to collect statistical reports, but in the office to fill a few random number Reported something. These have seriously affected the accuracy of the statistics. How can we accurately reflect the actual situation of township and village enterprises? In my opinion, while strengthening the construction of statistical legal system, we must improve the methods of investigation of the statistics of township and village enterprises and collect the statistics of township and village enterprises by comprehensively surveying, focusing on key investigations and sampling surveys .
甲状腺髓样癌(medullary thyroid carcinoma,MTC)起源于甲状腺滤泡旁细胞(又称C细胞),其最早表现为C细胞增生,继而发展为结节样增生和(或)微小的MTC,最后形成MTC,外科手术是其主要治疗手段。对于晚期MTC,单靠手术难以彻底清除肿瘤,同时由于其对放射线不敏感,而且邻近器官如甲状软骨、气管、脊髓等对放射线耐受性低,一般情况下外放射治疗效果差。同时MTC源于滤泡旁细胞,
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