会议宗旨“全国追求卓越大会”(National Conference on Quest for Performance Excellence)是中国质量协会主办的质量领域最具影响力的品牌活动之一,旨在成为全国推行卓越绩效模式最活跃的高层论坛和搭建一个更有价值的分享国内外质量奖获奖企业最佳实践的平台。通过这个平台,会议代表能够与卓越企业经营管理者进行深入沟通、广泛交流,实现最大程度的学习,引导和激励更
Conference Objectives “National Conference on Quest for Performance Excellence” is one of the most influential brand activities in the field of quality sponsored by China Quality Association. It aims to be the most active high-level forum in China to promote the best performance model And build a more valuable platform to share best practices from award-winning companies at home and abroad. Through this platform, conference delegates can conduct in-depth communication with business managers of excellence and exchange ideas to achieve maximum learning, guidance and motivation.