Whether we should adhere to the socialist road or how to adhere to the socialist road is a problem that people generally pay attention to and think in recent years and is also a focus of our struggle against the bourgeoisie's liberalization. It is of great significance to find out why we must take the socialist road in China and clarify the theory of right and wrong understanding on this issue and adhere to the four cardinal principles to ensure the smooth progress of the reform and construction. First, the socialist road is the correct choice for the Chinese people The socialist road is the historical choice of the Chinese people. In China, taking the road to socialism is not the subjective assumption of what people are. It is the correct choice made by the Chinese people after more than 100 years of hard struggle. Since the Opium War, advanced Chinese and people with lofty ideals have been exploring the truth and the road to salvation of the nation and people. A group of prominent figures represented by Hong Xiuquan, Kang Youwei and Sun Yat-sen all proposed solutions for governing China. Hong Xiuquan's “heaven and earth mu system” program