八一建军节到来之际,“纪念中国人民解放军建军七十五周年第十届全军美术作品展览”在中国军事博袖馆拉开帷幕。这是新世纪以来军队美术的一次盛大聚会,展示了近年军队美术创作,也是高扬社会主义建设主旋律美术创作的成果。本期选发部分获奖作品,以飨读者。 “历史是人民创造的”,而伟大人物总是推动历史发展的关键。作为有突出贡献的军队雕塑艺术家程允贤,他用青铜白石铸就的百余座历史人物雕像,就像点点明星,连缀起一条灿烂的历史.尤其近代历史的长河。 本期名家郭怡(?)的花鸟画,承其家学又勇于开拓,力图以重彩写意的技法重组开创具有山野之气的大麓画风,可供大家鉴赏。 主持人/赵权利
On the occasion of the August 1 Army Day, the Tenth Army Art Works Exhibition to Mark the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was launched in the China Military Boomerang. This is a grand gathering of military fine arts since the beginning of the new century, demonstrating the military art creation in recent years and also the result of promoting the main melody of socialist construction. This issue selected some of the winning entries to readers. “History is created by the people,” and great people always push the key to historical development. As an outstanding contribution to the military sculpture artist Cheng Yunxian, he cast bronze white stones on the hundred statues of historical figures, like a little star, with a splendid history, especially the long history of modern history. This issue of the famous Guo Yi (?) Flowers and birds paintings, Cheng Jiaxue and courage to open up, trying hard to re-create the color with a taste of the foothold of the foothold for everyone to appreciate. Host / Zhao right