目的分析秦皇岛市2014—2016年来人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗体不确定结果的特征和随访转归情况,为改进检测策略提供依据。方法收集2014—2016年HIV抗体不确定结果样本资料,结合流行病学随访,分析不确定样本的蛋白免疫印迹试验(WB)带型分布特点及抗体转归情况。结果 2014—2016年共有451份筛查阳性标本进行WB检测,其中有81例为HIV抗体不确定样本,不确定样本主要来源于医疗机构就诊者(56.79%),其次为无偿献血者(14.81%)及自愿检测咨询者(9.88%);WB带型分布中P24带型所占比例最高为32.10%;其次是gp160P24和P24P17带型,分别为17.28%和13.58%。经随访,5例转为阳性,2例转为阴性,5例经随访检测条带无进展,5例转阳者中env类条带占80%。结论在HIV抗体不确定样本的随访中发现env类条带带型转阳性率较高,存在HIV感染高危因素,需加强随访,应尽快开展辅助诊断,尽早作出准确诊断,避免漏诊。
Objective To analyze the characteristics and follow-up of the indeterminate results of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody in Qinhuangdao from 2014 to 2016, and provide the basis for improving the detection strategy. Methods The data of uncertain samples of HIV antibody from 2014 to 2016 were collected. According to epidemiological follow-up, the distribution of WB bands in uncertain samples and the distribution of antibodies were analyzed. Results A total of 451 screening positive samples were detected by WB in 2014-2016. Among them, 81 were HIV-antibody uncertain samples, 56.79% were indefinite samples, followed by blood donors (14.81% ) And voluntary counseling and testing (9.88%). The highest proportion of P24 bands in the WB band distribution was 32.10%, followed by the gp160P24 and P24P17 bands with 17.28% and 13.58% respectively. After follow-up, 5 cases turned positive, 2 cases turned negative, 5 cases were followed-up test strip no progress, 5 cases of rotator env class strip accounted for 80%. Conclusion In the follow-up of uncertain samples of HIV antibody, it is found that env type has a high positive rate of seroconversion. There is a high risk of HIV infection. Follow-up should be strengthened. Auxiliary diagnosis should be carried out as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible to avoid misdiagnosis.