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“剧本”月刊举办的一九五三年独幕剧徵稿评奖已经揭晓了,得奖的有“妇女代表”等九个剧本。应该说:这是我们当前戏剧运动上比较重要的大事之一。从该刊关於徵稿评选工作的说明中,可以看出参加这次徵稿的剧作者,全国各地都有,其中包括了专业的和业馀的剧作者;所收到的稿件的数量是相当多的,题材还广泛,形式也比较多样;这说明这一徵稿评奖工作对刺激剧本生产———鼓舞剧作者努力於独幕剧创作是起了作用的。同时,由於应徵稿件中出现了一些比较优秀的剧本,经该刊选择後陆续发表,给全国各地业馀剧团及部分专业剧团供应了上演节目,或多或少地解决了目前缺乏剧本的困难;这一工作发挥了充实剧场上演节目、推动戏剧活动的直接的作用。我们十分重视这一评奖结果的公布,在这里,除了向得奖剧本的各位作者表示祝贺以外,并打算?将读过剧本以后的一点感想,写下来和大家讨论。为了便于研究问题,我们且依题材内容,将这九个剧本作一大致的分类说明:? The 1945 solo act drafts awards presented by the “Script” magazine have been announced. Nine awards including “Women’s Representatives” have been announced. It should be said: This is one of the more important events in our current theater movement. From the magazine’s description of the solicitation work, we can see that the dramatists participating in the solicitation have all over the country, including professional and amateurs; the number of manuscripts received is quite large , Also a wide range of topics, the form is also more diverse; This shows that the contribution of the draft award to stimulate the production of the script --- encouraged the playwright’s efforts in the one-act play has played a role. At the same time, some excellent scripts appeared in the soliciting manuscripts. After the selection of the scripts, they were released one after another, which provided the amateur theater troupes and some professional theatrical troupes all over the country with programs that more or less solved the current lack of scripts This work has played a direct role in enriching the theatrical performances and promoting theater activities. We attach great importance to the announcement of the results of this award. In addition to congratulating the writers of the winning scripts, we intend to write down some thoughts after reading the script and discuss with them. In order to facilitate the study of the problem, we and the content of the theme, the nine plays for a general classification:?
针对用静止变频器起动的同步电动机,给出了变频起动的数学模型,对其起动的自 然换流过程进行了数字仿真,得到了起动过程中主要物理量,如电流、转速、转矩等的变化曲 线,并研究了转