The 1945 solo act drafts awards presented by the “Script” magazine have been announced. Nine awards including “Women’s Representatives” have been announced. It should be said: This is one of the more important events in our current theater movement. From the magazine’s description of the solicitation work, we can see that the dramatists participating in the solicitation have all over the country, including professional and amateurs; the number of manuscripts received is quite large , Also a wide range of topics, the form is also more diverse; This shows that the contribution of the draft award to stimulate the production of the script --- encouraged the playwright’s efforts in the one-act play has played a role. At the same time, some excellent scripts appeared in the soliciting manuscripts. After the selection of the scripts, they were released one after another, which provided the amateur theater troupes and some professional theatrical troupes all over the country with programs that more or less solved the current lack of scripts This work has played a direct role in enriching the theatrical performances and promoting theater activities. We attach great importance to the announcement of the results of this award. In addition to congratulating the writers of the winning scripts, we intend to write down some thoughts after reading the script and discuss with them. In order to facilitate the study of the problem, we and the content of the theme, the nine plays for a general classification:?