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国办发[1989]57号文件下发后,东辽县委、县政府认真学习领会文件精神,全面分析全县档案工作的现状,为档案工作办了五件实事。一是加强了领导。县委、县政府由一名副书记和一名副县长分工主管档案工作,并将档案工作列入领导议事日程,经常过问和研究。二是纳入任期目标。最近,县委,县政府下发了东发[1990]8号文件,把档案工作纳入了1990年度全县党政机关工作目标责任制之中,决定将档案工作这一目标完成情况作为对县直机关及乡镇整个工作目标进行考核、评比和奖惩的一项主要内容。三是开始兴建县档案馆。为尽快改变档案部门的工作环境和档案的保管条件,在上级有关部门的支持下,县委、县政府多次召开会议专门研究建馆问题,对档案馆的地址选定及设计、施工等具体问题做了安排部署。目前,档案馆即将破土动工。 After the document No. [1989] 57 issued by the State Council, the county Party committee and county government of Dongliao conscientiously studied and comprehended the spirit of the document, comprehensively analyzed the status quo of the file work in the entire county, and conducted five practical work for the file work. First, strengthen the leadership. County Party committee, county government by a deputy secretary and deputy chief of a division of labor in charge of archival work, and file the work included in the agenda, often asked and research. The second is to include the term of office. Recently, the county party committee and government issued the document No. [1990] No. 8 of the East Development Council and incorporated the file work into the responsibility system of the party and government organs in the county in 1990. It decided to take the goal of file work as the basis for the direct Organs and towns throughout the work objectives of assessment, appraisal and reward and punishment of a main content. The third is to start building county archives. As soon as possible to change the working environment of the archival department and the archival custody conditions, with the support of the relevant departments at higher levels, the county party committee and county government held several meetings to study the issue of building the archives and address specific issues such as the address selection and design and construction of archives, Made arrangements for the deployment. At present, the archive is about to break ground.
由山东省郭沫若研究会和山东省茅盾研究会联合主办的“世界化语境中的现代中国文学巨匠”学术研讨会 ,于 2 0 0 2年 5月 8日至 10日在山东省新泰市青云山庄举行。与会专家学
We studied the effects of sintering temperature on FeCuCo based pre-alloyed powder for diamond bits.The FeCuCo composite was fabricated by co-precipitation meth
每每看到盛开的山菊花 ,青青的苹果 ,或已经干枯的向日葵…… ,无不使我产生深深的亲情。因为它们拥有生命 ,拥有生命的美丽和永恒。一杯绿茶、半瓶葡萄酒、一束朋友送的生日
一向宁静的小镇突然飘来一片死亡的阴影,猫儿成群跳湖,人们开始疯狂。是谁制造了这样骇人听闻的惨案?环境法医为人们抓住了幕后真凶。    1    洛莫多镇一向是个宁静的湖滨小镇。那里居住着1万多居民,人们靠湖吃湖,家家都有几艘渔船,人们生活得舒适而富足。洛莫多镇所在地的湖有一个浪漫的名字,名为爱情湖,面积有20平方公里。爱情湖水产丰富,人们安居乐业,治安就比其他地方好得多。小镇上有个小小的警察局,埃