Childern’s stories such as “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Three LittlePigs” have depicted wolves as destructive, frightening creatures roaming thewild. Movie portrayals of violent and dangerous werewolves have also damagedthe reputation of wolves. In reality, these animals are social, nurturing creaturesthat often spend the better part of their day playing with and tending to theiryoung. Canislupus, the grey wolf, is the largest member of the wolf family. Whilethe distinctions between wolves are still debated in scientific circles, there aretwo recognized species of wolves: the grey wolf and the red wolf.
Childern’s stories such as “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Three Little Pigs” have depicted wolves as destructive, frightening creatures roaming thewild. Movie portrayals of violent and dangerous werewolves have also damaged the reputation of wolves. In reality, these animals are social, nurturing creaturesthat often spend the better part of their day playing with and tending to theiryoung. Canislupus, the gray wolf, is the largest member of the wolf family. While the same wolves are still debated in scientific circles, there aretwo recognized species of wolves: the gray wolf and the red wolf.