Usefulness of Dale’s Cone of Experience in the Context of Learning

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  Ⅰ.What Cone of Experience Is
  Experiences vary from sensing concrete objects to indirect sensing abstract symbols and concepts. These experiences could be classified into levels according to their degree to abstractness (Dale, 1946). A modal called Cone of Experience, developed by Dale (1946), demonstrates the varied experiences, from direct, firsthand participation to pictorial representation and on to purely symbolic expression. This ten-band pyramid is divided into three stages in accordance with their degree to abstractness which is characterized respectively by doing, observing and symbolizing. The bottom stage features “doing”, which includes contrived experiences and participation. The middle stage consists of less direct experiences, which commonly characterizes observing as a learning method. The pinnacle stage is the most abstract area; visual and verbal symbols are the main representatives of this section. The model explains connections of sensory experiences and classifies them by ranking them from concrete to abstract. It aims to ‘provide a visual analogy of the type of experiences that influence the learning process’ (Garrett, 1977, p. 130). Moreover, the Cone suggests that learning would be more meaningful and effective when the abstract are combined with concrete experiences (Seels, 1997).
  Moreover, Dale expressed that ‘no mistaking our cone-device for a hierarchy or rank order of learning processes’ (1946, p. 47), no learning experiences should ‘travel up’ from the bottom to the top. Sensory experiences were mixed; types of sensory experiences work collaboratively in learning activities. The emphasis should be on evaluating the effectiveness of applying appropriate sensory methods in different situations. More importantly, as ‘the different kind of sensory aids often inter-lap and blend into one another’, the boundaries between bands are blurred (Dale, 1946, p. 37). The Cone should not be viewed as a rigid and inflexible. Instead, it could be better used as a generalized visual analogy, providing flexibility to explain relationships between the types of sensory experiences.
  The significance of the Cone remains in giving instructions and providing theoretical background for Experiential Theory. Cone of Experience is valuable in giving instructions as it is the foundation of instructional design theory and supplemental instructions.
  Value of the Cone in the field of instructional design theory lies on its historical importance in connecting instructional theory with communicative media. It classifies media instructional devices as degrees of abstractness and connects learners’ media experiences with their psychological learning dimensions. Also, it gives theoretical outlines for instructional design theory in selecting instructional media devices while facing learners with diverse psychological needs. However, there is currently no consensus among the application of multimedia devices in the context of learning, Audio-Visual aids applied in education may not work well for all learners. Researchers have found that dynamic visuals are not that helpful to some extent compared with static visuals. This may result from lacking previous knowledge enabling learners not engaging in learning activities, but not the issue of applying audio-visual devices self. In this case, applying multimedia devices itself deserves less criticism.   Experiential theory attaches importance to ‘doing’ in learning activities, which conforms to what the Cone advocates in a sense (Roberts, 2006). Employing the Cone in learning has been proved to be positive on students’ learning (Davis
很多时候,网络是一个真话当假话,假话当真话的地方。你也许有过这种经历:当你看到有人吹捧或斥责某款产品时,你脑子里蹦出的第一个念头是——“枪手”!也许你还自认为可以清楚地分辨网络上涉及品牌或产品的话题中,哪些是真话,哪些是假话。但是你错了,别忘了网络枪手也在进化,而且一旦他们成了规模,有组织有计划地“放枪”,那么结果就很难判断了。  专题策划 《微型计算机》编辑部    网络枪手靠忽悠赚钱的人  互
初中生已经具备十几年的生活经验积累,如果能够将作文教学联系学生的生活,枯燥的英语作文不会那么难,将很容易解决学生的畏难情绪,作文水平也能够较为自然轻松地得到提升。  一、联系即时生活场景,提升英语即兴写作能力  在英语作文课堂上,教师要擅于应用正在发生的事件或者学生感兴趣的即时生活场景培养学生的作文能力。  例如冬天到了下雪时,教师就可以让学生以《snow》为题,描绘一下雪天及兴奋、喜悦的心情等。
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如今高清PMP的屏幕越来越大,不仅带来了更为震撼的视觉享受,同时还衍生出不少其它用途。比如通过支架放在家里,平时作为数码相框使用,晚上下班回到家,将其连接电视机用于播放高清影片,当然,不是每款高清PMP都能胜任一机多用的角色,相比之下大屏幕严品更占优势,考虑到目前高清PMP的屏幕最大为7英寸,这里我们就为大家介绍两款适合充当数码相框的7英寸新品,艾诺V8000HDY和台电C7D0。    艾诺V8
说完几款夸张的款式,这一季也流行传统的围巾。无论是充满创意的荧光黄、亮紫色,还是传统的黑灰蓝,只要是纯色就达到目的,可谓越简单越高分。这类围巾由于通常紧紧围在你的脖子上,投资一款好的材质非常重要。如果你只有一条羊绒围巾,那就是它了。  系法 PARISIAN KNOT:除了上述的OVER HAND,还可以用“最欧洲”的方式佩戴:将围巾对折后绕过脖子,一端穿过另一端对折处的空隙。简单两步,风度与温度
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【摘要】思维品质是指人的思维个性特征,对一个人的全面发展有着积极的作用。在新时期随着课程改革的全面深入和发展,对小学英语教学提出了许多新的要求,其中提升学生思维品质就是其中具体表现,需要我们在具体教学的过程中积极转变教学理念和方法,以此来提升学生思维品质,实现教学的全面发展。本文主要是就在小学英语教学中提升思维品质提出了一些具体可行的策略,希望可以起到抛砖引玉的作用。  【关键词】小学英语;英语思