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作为世界历史文化名城,西安在城市现代化建设实践中,提出了历史文化遗产保护与城市现代化和谐共生的先进理念,在大明宫遗址公园的设计和建设中相继实施了一系列具有示范意义的历史文化遗址保护工程,使宝贵的城市文化遗产和城市记忆得到有效的传承延续,在历史文化遗产得到持续保护与利用的同时实现了城市现代化的统筹发展。 As a famous historical and cultural city in the world, Xi’an put forward the advanced concept of harmonious coexistence of historical and cultural heritage protection and urban modernization in the practice of urban modernization. In the design and construction of Daming Palace Relics Park, a series of historical and cultural relics have been successively implemented The site protection project enables the effective inheritance and continuation of valuable urban cultural heritage and urban memory, and realizes the overall development of urban modernization while continuing to protect and utilize historical and cultural heritages.
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