电价过高 减负刻不容缓

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一个带共性特别让人深思的问题是,越穷的地方电价越高,用电越少电费越高,电费已成为农民不堪承受的负担。湖北省鄂州市燕矶镇某村,电价为每千瓦·时1.8元,农民平时不敢用电,都是拧下灯泡,点上油灯,只是到过春节时,才用电灯和让孩子们看电视。该市东沟镇的一个村,往年各家各户抗旱都要用小水泵,1997年因电价太高,不少人家不敢启动。有的农民反映,一年的电费基本上要占全年农业总收人的1/10,要不是农闲出外打工挣点钱,电费就无力支付。 无数事实表明,电价、电费问题,已成为农民关注的一个重点问题,它深深地困扰着广大的农民群众,造成这种结果的原因何在呢?据掌握和调查的情况来看,主要有以下几个方面:1 配电设施老化,线损严重 农村普及用电基本都在70年代中期。当时集体经济落后,财力不足,因而办电凑合的成份颇大。一些电网设备简陋、供电半径过大,线径小,这自然就造成了线损过大,电价就高。如某台区供电半径达3500米,该村的月用电量740千瓦·时左右,而月线损就达430千瓦·时,占一半以上。 A problem that is particularly controversial with commonalities is that the higher the price of electricity in the poorer areas, the lower the electricity consumption and the higher the electricity bill. The electricity bill has become an unbearable burden for farmers. In a village in Yanji Town, Ezhou, Hubei Province, the electricity price is 1.8 yuan per kilowatt-hour. Farmers usually do not dare to use electricity. They all unscrew the bulbs and light the oil lamp. Only when they have been to the Spring Festival, do they use electric lights and let the children see it. TV. A village in Donggou Town, the city, used small water pumps for drought relief in various households in previous years. In 1997, the price was too high and many people did not dare to start. Some farmers report that the one-year electricity bill basically accounts for one-tenth of the total agricultural income for the whole year. If it is not for farmers to go out to work and earn some money, the electricity bill cannot be paid. Numerous facts have shown that the issue of electricity prices and electricity charges has become a major issue of concern for farmers. It deeply plagues the majority of peasant masses. What are the reasons for this result? According to the situation of mastery and investigation, there are mainly the following: In several aspects: 1 Aging of power distribution facilities, serious line loss The basic use of electricity in rural areas was basically in the mid-1970s. At that time, the collective economy was backward and the financial resources were insufficient. Therefore, the composition of the electricity supply was rather large. Some grid equipment is simple, the power supply radius is too large, and the wire diameter is small. This naturally leads to excessive line losses and high electricity prices. If the power supply radius of a certain area reaches 3,500 meters, the village’s monthly electricity consumption is 740 kilowatt-hours, and the monthly line loss is 430 kilowatt-hours, accounting for more than half.
1 转变观念的紧迫性农村电网运行质量每况愈下,电价高、电费回收难等诸多因素也严重地制约了农村经济的发展.湖北省监利县福田寺镇三湾村就是典型的例子.该村未整改前,供电线
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